Fantastic Friday
Last week the year 3 4 5' and 6's did Fantastic Friday. The traditional sport group played a game called tapu wai.
There would be a group that had bibs and the other group is called non-bibs.
The rules of the game is that you had to stay in your boundaries and you are not aloud to talk, push, or kick the ball.
The ref would chuck in as many balls you can use. There is an attacker who would try to knock down the cone, the defender would defend the cone, the rovers have to go get the if it is out of the boundaries and they would have to pass the ball in to the center people and the center people would chuck the ball to the attackers so the attackers can knock down the cone.
Playing the game. the ref chucked in the the 5 ball's the bibs caught them all and the all passed it to the attackers and the attackers knocked down the cone no problem so we got a point. At the end of the game we scored 9 and they scored 7.
I can't wait until next week for Fantastic Friday.
That was the best Fantastic Friday this term.
I don't know what game we are playing next week
but all I know that the game is going to be fun.